RCO Giveaway: Winter Bike Tires
Are your bike tires ready for winter?
Screeeeeech…yeah, we thought so. We want to help you get them there!
That’s why Repair Café Odense is getting spooky this month with our Sunday, October 31 event focused on BIKES!
(Of course, you can bring anything you need repairing. But we’re just saying, we’ve got a whole new set of tools to help you tune up your trusty two-wheeled friend.)
How the giveaway works 
Everyone that comes on October 31 will have the chance to win a set of winter bike tires!
- Bring your bike to the event so we can check it out.
- We’ll take your name and contact info (Data privacy guaranteed! We will only use your data for the giveaway).
- Once the event is over, we’ll pick a random name and announce it on social media (and write you directly to let you know if you’ve won). We will not notify non-winners.
- You’ll get 500 DKK for new tires or bike parts!
- Get your parts, and we’ll help you get set up your renovated bike
- …ride into the sunset. It’s getting earlier and earlier these days
Sound good?
Please join us Sunday, October 31 for our super-fun, super-squeaky event!
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