Repair Café Recap - February 2022
By Chloe’ Skye
We kicked off 2022 with one of our biggest events ever! It was so exciting to see you all again.
Also, we hope those who came enjoyed our welcome drink, the Grapefruit Sunrise 🍹 We’ll have some nice things to welcome you in the coming months as well.

Let’s talk about what we accomplished to kick off our year right!
February 2022 stats
This month, we saw 12 unique visitors and worked on 15 items. That’s a big success for a 3-hour event. Truly, it was buzzing. There were even…dare we say it…wait times!
Items seen:
Electric screwdriver
Blender and hand mixer
Christmas lights
Vacuum cleaner
Baby formula machine
Various clothing – coats and pants
Various bikes and bike adjustments
Items fixed / problem found: 11 of 15
Success rate: 
We were able to help our visitors in almost all cases. A couple items required extra parts or were partially fixed in a way that the visitor was happy to take home
Stories from the February Repair Café
More items, more problems, huh?
Though it may look like this, everyone left RCO satisfied, whether the item was partially fixed (like the baby formula machine) or the visitor left with an idea of what they need to continue the repair (like the electric screwdriver).
We were happy to see some clothing as one of our volunteers who came is a specialist in clothing repair. You can also bring your clothing – especially Fastelavn costumes – to repair in March. Don’t be shy!
In fact, the writer of this roundup () got her coat fixed in multiple places! That’s multitasking for ya.
It also appears that the Danish Christmas light season may be coming to an end as someone brought some lights to fix
We saw some items/situations we’ve never seen before this time, with the baby formula dispenser and a visitor who came to get our help soldering a new socket. We love teamwork, and this was no exception!
So if you’re somewhat of a technician yourself, come by if you ever need a second opinion or don’t have the skills you might need to complete your project or repair. We’ll always be happy to help.
We also saw items we’ve seen many times – BIKES! We love ‘em. And it’s good for the environment that you love them too, so keep riding and keep them coming.
The best part of this event was that we had a new volunteer, Hridya, join! Hridya is interested in learning how to fix clothing and electronics. Come say hi at our next event!
Most people also accepted the welcome drink. We had a lot of people stand around and chat, which is what we love to see.

What’s coming up next?
First of all, our next event is Sunday, March 27th. Don’t miss it!
And make sure to bring any Fastelavn costumes or winter clothing or coats that might need repairing. We’ll be ready for them with a sewing machine
Otherwise, here are a couple things you should know about:
- March 15 is World Consumer Day. This is a great opportunity to speak up for your rights as a consumer or do some actions to support Right to Repair. Perhaps contact your local representatives, write your favorite electronics company a message, or teach yourself how to make a home repair with the help of YouTube.
- March 28 is Earth Hour. On this day, all the streetlights in Odense will go off for an hour. You can support by turning off all lights in your home for an hour, too. This action symbolizes our collective ability to save power and support the planet better by conserving electricity. Who knows, you can even use this time by going for a walk or looking your loved ones in the eye
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