Børnenes Ø in Odense
Throughout the summer months Byens Ø (city island) became Børnenes Ø (children’s island). At Odense harbor there were workshops with art, graffiti, and many other fun activities such as mini-golf, soccer, rollerblading, silent disco and even a Ferris wheel was installed for the children to enjoy. Repair Café Odense hopped on the opportunity to start teaching children about repair…but in their own field of expertise = toys.
Our workshops were held every Thursday from the 2nd of July until the 23rd. With the help of children and their parents we fixed toys which were planned to be discarded. The children could then of course keep the repaired toys.
It’s very important to start shaping the minds of children toward sustainability from a young age, this way they will grow up to be environmentally friendly and aware adults.

Remember that Repair Café Odense has tool kits available for loan so that parents can teach repair at home! Contact us, or stop by our next event to pick up a tool kit and get started!